Are You Qualified to Care for the Future Clients?

Who will be your future Clients?

Have you thought about the future of clients?

Are you just operating on “Auto”? You know, doing the same thing every day but not seeing what’s going on around you?

If you are confused about the questions I asked and the way I worded some of them, then you need to stop what you’re doing and look into my crystal ball!

You see the future is telling us that by 2050 the numbers will be every 33 seconds for someone in America to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

By 2040 there will be 160,000 people in Colorado with some form of Dementia.

Last, my crystal ball is telling me that by 2050, the number of Americans 65 and older with ALZ will triple from 5 million to 13.8 million. Are you and Your Staff Ready?

I mean, really ready!!! Do your staff know how to handle critical incidents, catastrophic behaviors, and combative behaviors?

I’m asking you not to delay training yourself and your staff on Dementia care. No, I’m not asking you to watch some videos. I’m asking you to go all out and attend my live training session to gain the knowledge and information you need to share with your staff.

Your clients will be looking to you and your PCWs to be knowledgeable on Dementia care.

How do you care for Frontal Lobe dementia clients? How do you handle Vascular Dementia or Lewy Body dementia? If some of these types of dementia seem foreign to you, then you need to attend the Dementia Care training session next week on November 21st, 9 am -1:00 pm. Just go to the website to register for this very informative class.


To Your Success,




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