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Training and Supervising Staff

Providing training for Home Health or Homecare staff during the busy workweek can be quite challenging. As a result, many agencies opt for online courses for orientation and the yearly in-service training for Personal Care Workers (PCWs). However, one of the primary concerns with online learning is the lack of interaction. When staff engage…

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Are You Client Care Ready?

Who will be your future Clients? Have you thought about the future of clients? Are you just operating on “Auto”? You know, doing the same thing every day but not seeing what’s going on around you? If you are confused about the questions I asked and the way I worded some of them, then you…

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So, What’s In Your Manual?

A Policy and Procedure manual is a key component of operating a home health agency. Every business should have a policy and procedure manual. No matter if you are a skilled agency or personal care agency having a Policy & Procedure Manual is a requirement. A home health/care manual should have policies that clearly state…

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Are You Ready For 2025?

Are You Ready for 2025? There are two and a half months left in 2024, can you believe it? As you think about the year ending which one of the following can you identify with: You never plan for the future You don’t plan for the growth of your agency, you just let things happen.…

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State Care Rules: Compliance

You excel at providing care and help for your Home Health Care agency clients, and you are often a bright spot in their lives. Ensuring compliance with state regulations is a large part of that care. Home Health Care agencies must understand and navigate state regulations to provide quality care and thrive. Importance of Compliance…

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CO Care: Be Emergency Ready

Colorado Home Health Care Agencies are facing increased weather-related emergencies, environmental issues, flu outbreaks, crime, mental health emergency assistance opportunities, and other risks related to our growing and diverse population. Your plans and training must be updated and compliant to reflect changing emergencies. Each year, as we get more experience with emergency preparedness, planning, and…

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Private Pay: A Business Guide

There were 55.7 million adults age 65+ living in the U.S. in 2020. This included 30.8 million women and 24.8 million men. Nearly one-quarter (24%) of adults age 65+ were from racially and ethnically underrepresented communities as in 2020. America’s older population has grown by 38% since 2010, compared to an increase of 2% for…

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Staff Loyalty: Culture Wins.

About 10 years ago I went for an interview for an RN position at a home health agency. When I arrived at the agency, the receptionist handed me an application for CNAs. I told her I wasn’t there for a CNA position. I was an RN. Then she gave me the nursing application but with…

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Build Your Home Care Dream

The home healthcare sector is one of the fastest-growing healthcare industries in the United States. In 2019, there were approximately 1.4 million people employed in home healthcare agencies across the US. There is another option in providing nursing care in the home and that is Private Duty Home Health care. This choice of care provides a few skilled…

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Crafting Success: 10 Steps

Having a successful agency is great! Not too many people can say that they have a successful business. Many people start their agency on the wrong foot and have a hard time getting straight. A home health or home care agency can be profitable over time as long as the owner or manager/administrator focuses on…

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