10 Steps On How to Develop A Prosperous Mindset

If you’ve ever wondered why some agencies are successful right off the bat and others are struggling to keep afloat.  Wonder no more. I am going to give you 10 good reasons why some agencies seem like they are busting at the seams growing and why others aren’t. One of the main reasons could be that the owner or administrator has a Prosperous mindset. Having a prosperous mindset will supercharge the growth of your agency. Now here are ten ways you can develop a prosperous mindset also.

  1. Create a 2-page plan before you leave your lob-                                                                                                              Know and understand what it takes to be a business owner, what supplies will you need, where will you operate from, how many people will you need to get started and how much will you pay them. Will you be needing a loan, or will you save enough money from your job to get you started? Will you be paying yourself; how much is your office rent? What is the cost for all your manuals, and other things you need? Doing this will prevent stress and will help you start off on the right foot.  Make a list of items you need to purchase along with what I already mentioned. It could take a few months or a few years to obtain the things you need.
  1. Focus on Working on Your agency instead of in Your agency-                                                                                                                                               Starting and growing an agency takes a lot of time. If you think you have to work a job while you start your agency, then start getting all your policies and procedures in place now. Find out how much it will cost to purchase a computer and business insurance, office furniture, and supplies. Stop thinking Cheap, but don’t go overboard either! Create a budget for how much money you can spend on furniture. Buy things from yard sales and thrift stores. If you are still working on a job, set a date to exist your job so you can focus on starting/growing a successful business.
  1. Hang around positive people-

         People who will support you. You will need Positive Energy to draw good things to you. Positive and successful people will want to guide you if you             ask. They will do their best to support you and point you in the right direction. Don’t share your dream or plans with negative people, even if they               are family and close friends. Just keep a lid on it until you are up and operating. Set boundaries with nay-sayers.


  1. Don’t hire staff out of desperation-

         You may be new at being an employer. Have a plan for hiring staff. When people come in for interviews don’t hire them right away don’t be                       desperate thinking you may not get the opportunity to hire anyone. Place ads and set up interviews for competent staff. If necessary, have                         someone else help with the interview.


  1. If you have never hired anyone then read and study how to hire people-

         Read books and articles on the process of hiring staff. It takes a lot to be a leader and an employer. It just doesn’t happen overnight because you             want to have a business. Learn how to supervise people. Learn how to be a good leader.


  1. Set realistic goals for you to obtain-                                                                                                                                                                                                   Set a date for opening your agency. Make sure you have enough money to start. It will make you feel good, and like a successful businessperson at the start. Keep that positive energy going. Visualize the growth and success of your agency. Be SMART with your goals.
  1. Visualize the growth and success of your agency-                                                                                                                                                                     Having positive thoughts, and energy draws good things to you. Feel the burning desire for your agency. Read books and watch YouTube videos on success and prosperity. Watch videos on how to grow a business. I have a few videos on YouTube that can assist you on your path to success. I also have some online courses on Leadership and on Marketing that have valuable information for growing an agency.
  2. Affirm your success. Every day several times tell yourself that you are successful and prosperous in business-                                                            Believe it. Look in the mirror, call out your name and tell yourself that you are successful and prosperous. Read books that will help you grow your agency. Books like: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, and the Secret or watch the movie the Secret.
  3. Market your agency every day-                                                                                                                                                                                                      Create a 1-2 page marketing plan. What is your goal, plan your strategies to use, and the steps you will take for each strategy? Ex. Word-of-mouth marketing is a strategy. How will you accomplish a successful Word of Mouth campaign? That will be the steps you take such as. Passing out business cards everywhere you go. Having your staff pass out business cards. Have your family promote your agency.
  4. Create a 2-year goal for growth-                                                                                                                                                                                                       Plan out your business future. Where will you be, and how much staff will you have? How much money will you be making each year? Put it all down on paper, no matter how far-fetched it may seem.

Good Luck, I hope this will help you on your journey to much success and prosperity!



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