3 Key Reasons Why You Need to Update Your Home Health or Home Care Manuals

One of the most important aspects of operating your home health or home care agency is to have an updated policy & procedure manual. An updated manual is an absolute must and should be updated by the agency’s Governing body.

There are 3 key reasons for having an updated policy & procedure manual. points for having an updated manual.

     3. Manuals needed for your agency will help you to function in an organized manner. Manuals guide you to various levels of success in your agency. Manuals are guides for your staff to use so that they can be successful in their job. Manuals are the guide, a footprint on why tasks are to be accomplished, and the procedure is the correct steps to take to accomplish a task.

      2. Having an up-to-date policy manual can help prevent lawsuits. State and federal regulations change often along with different laws that help create different types of agencies. If your agency policies are not updated to cover any new regulations or laws, and something happens that involves your staff or clients. You could very well be sued and have to close your agency.

        1. The main reason for having an updated manual is to make sure you don’t receive a deficiency for not keeping up with state and federal regulations that can affect your agency. It is the responsibility of The agency’s governing body to update manuals every 2-3 years. This doesn’t mean you need to buy new manuals. This just means that any regulation that has been changed, throw out of the old one and replace it with the new one. If you need to add a policy, then do so with the approval of your governing body. The administrator and governing body need a strategic approach to revising your policy manuals by taking a fresh look at each and every policy is determined that they are within the law, and state and federal regulation.

If you are looking for Class A or B manuals then visit the manual like on this website. We have reasonably priced manuals for Medical and Non-Medical agencies. Home Health & Homecare Manuals (homehealthtrainer.com).

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