7- Simple Steps to Having A Prosperous Year

As a home health and home care consultant, I come across people who want to start a home health or home care business. Many come to me with no idea what home health or homecare offers, then there are some people who come to me wanting to start an agency with very little experience, knowledge, or money.

Starting an agency, no matter what type can be very nerve-wracking. There are state and federal regulations you must abide by to prevent yourself from getting in trouble. And, there is a lot of competition that can prevent you from making the income you want to make. So how can you have a prosperous 2023? Well, here are 6 simple steps to take so you can have a prosperous year.

1. Create goals for the year and write out how you plan to accomplish your goals. Create marketing goals. Don’t settle for getting one set of clients because it’s a regular deposit into your account. Venture out for other types of clients.

2. Get up early in the mornings to meditate. Visualize how you would like the day to go. Be very detailed. Visualize referrals coming to you on a steady basis.  Use affirmations that are powerful, to affirm success and prosperity in your business, and bank accounts. This is your time to get the energy you need to empower yourself throughout the day to deal with clients/customers or problems that may arise throughout the day.

3. Create Affirmations to add Energy to your desire. Make them positive. Repeat your affirmation 7 times a day. Say your affirmations like you mean them. Be loud and clear. Next, create a vision board using markers, pictures from magazines, or the internet. Pictures of the office you want, your staff, piles of money, and your new lifestyle.

4. Frequently read books on success and prosperity and how to use the Laws of Attraction.

5. Keep a clean and organized office that people would like to come to on a regular basis. Place pictures with affirmations on your walls to motivate others.

6. The night before the next day. Plan your day, your week, and your month. Prioritize what you need to do, want to do, and plan to do for the day. I am a stickler for planning my monthly goals at the end of every month for the preceding month. Then I plan my weekly schedule. I need to keep track of my meetings, consulting dates, important community meetings, and training dates. I also need to know on what days to start creating various products or projects. I may also use a lot of post-it notes on my calendar as well. I use a lot of markers when I plan. I love highlighting events, projects, or lists with highlighters, and bold gel pens. I’m in heaven!

7. Journal every morning and every night if possible. Be grateful. Have a higher power that you can write letters of gratitude. For me it is God. Dear God, thank you for a great night of sleep, and I thank you for a prosperous day. List 10 things each morning that you want to thank God, or the Universe for. When I first started journalling in 2008, I made the mistake of complaining. I was writing about my financial problems, how I hated my job, and couldn’t wait to start my own business. I learned over time by reading, The Secret, and other LOA books on journaling, that I needed to write about how grateful I was to have a job, the money I was making, the opportunity that working let me pay my bills on time, and my income allowed my husband to be a stay-at-home dad for our son with special needs.

As I kept reading and learning, I started spending quality time in prayer, then I would visualize leaving my job and starting my own business. It may have taken me a while to get to a point of being self-employed, but the journey I took allowed me to gain the information I needed to start my consulting business. Just recently, I decided to spend my evenings meditating on a steady basis. I enjoy reading and listening to some smooth jazz while thinking about the future growth of my business right before going to sleep. I am starting to see positive results in my business by doing this nightly routine. If this works for the rich and famous like Oprah, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jack Canfield, and others, don’t you think it’ll work for you?

This is it for now. If you enjoyed this post please come back to read other posts, and join my FB group.

To Your Success,



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