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01/23-Session C: 4-hours CEU $160.00– Train the Trainer for Non-Medical Agencies 9:00-1:00
- Know and understand what is required of PCWs and CNAs.
- Staff Competency
- Receive Handouts to assist you with your training and in-services.
- Receive a certificate as being trained to train your staff.
02/13-Session 4: 8-hour CEU $250– Intensive Leadership & Marketing 8:30-3:00 Please register before 11:00 on 02/12 so we can order lunch. Learn & Understand How Office Culture Affects Your Agency
What Leadership Style do you use?
Head-to-Toe Assessment of Your Agency
Marketing 101
2/27-Session A: 4-hours CEU $160.00- Facts You Need to Know Regarding People with Cognitive Issues 9:00-1:00
Behavior Management and the needs of the Frail, Ill, Cognitively or Disabled Client- state-required topic.
The Aging Process
03/13-Session 1: 8 hours CEUs 8:30-3:00-Creating A Clear View of State Regulations $250.00
- Licensing Standards & Understanding Licensure Requirements
- What the Surveyors look for-Preparing for Survey & the Plan of Correction
- Establishing a Governing Body for Medical and Non-Medical
- Consumer Rights
- Healthcare Management- Understand the 10 Avoidable Hospital Re-Admission Issues
03/27-Session B: 4-hours CEU $160.00– Emergency Preparedness Chapter 26 5.10 9:00-1:00
Required if you are a Medicare or Medicaid Provider Chapter 26
- Risk Management Assessment
- Emergency Preparedness
- Mock Drills and Tabletop Discussions
- EPP Notebook
- Safety in the Home and Basic First Aid, Ø CPR
- Addressing Required Safety Requirements